Carlus D. Page

Every day, countless souls step into eternity unprepared to meet our maker. As an Evangelist and a Christian, it is imperative that we commit to outreach of a lost and dying world. As we faithfully serve God daily, we follow and hold fast to the Great Commission. (Matt. 28:19-20) My aim is that by remaining steadfast, many will be lead to Christ; those who will come. (Rev. 22:17)
With that being said, I am privileged to extend to you a personal and warm welcome to The New Heights Church of Christ family. It is my prayer that this is only the first step of many, in us getting to know you.
As a congregation, we thrive on having the opportunity to show what Christian hospitality is all about. At New Heights we draw people in not by gimmick, but by mimic. As we strive to be more like Christ we mimic and display His loving and compassionate nature. We stand firm on the belief that the Bible is our objective standard and the final say so in all religious matters. We draw people in not by propaganda, but by Holy standards.
Please accept this as my personal invitation to you, to attend any and all of our services. I anxiously look forward to meeting you this Sunday as we begin with Sunday School at 9:00 a.m., Meeting and Greeting at 10:00 a.m. and Morning Worship at 10:15 a.m., and our Mid-Week Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Come and see for yourself what all the talk is about.
Because they haven't heard,
-Carlus D.

Isaac Smith


Joe Fairley
Singing praises unto the Lord, should be a passion for christians all over this world. Songs of praise is the engine behind my faith because is speaks words of edification when simple speaking just won't do. Although there are many forms and genres of music, as partakers of the new testament promise we hold to the organic form of music, and that is acapella. When done from the heart, there is no expression of praise more beautiful than that of acapella music.
Through the New Heights music ministry, we want to transform, transpose, and transcend your faith to a new level. We sing because we're happy, we sing because we're free, we sing when we are sad, we sing even in the bad, but we sing simply because we believe. At the New Heights church we are all a part of God's praise team. We sing because God is worthy to be praised!
I Sing,
-Joe "Deion" Fairley